Giratina Strikes Back for Game Boy Advance GBA

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You are a 13 years old and also the child of EDGE Corporation’s boss in Lunoh region. Long long ago, your father was not succeeded in becoming a Pokemon Master because of many different reasons. And now he wants you to be his successor, he want you to become a real Pokemon Trainer of this world. One morning, he calls you into his office. Then, he gives you your very first Pokemon Eevee with a Pokedex. Yo, let’s get out and have some fun!
On your way to become a Pokemon Master, you will encounter the evil Team Genesis. They are trying to get Giratina out of its Distortion World. Suddenly you remember what you father said: “When Giratina wake up, its power can be a disaster and domination for our world.” Of course, noneother than you – our very protagonist – will be the one who stop this evil ambition.


  • You can get Eevee as your starter.
  • Eevee can be evolved by using a Sun Stone and Moon Stone to become Espeon and Umbreon.
  • You can buy all evolution stones in Drallia Town (this is the location of the second gym also).
  • Many Pokemon can be evolved by Moon Stone.
  • The author has drawn 65 Fakemon and added them into this game. Be sure to check it.
  • There are 11 gyms in total.
  • You can run indoors.
  • Some new regions.
  • New titles.
  • A story with twists and turns.
  • The base power of Rock Smash is 60 now.

UK dispatch.



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